Sunday, November 7, 2010

Modern Day Slavery

Around the world, children are working in more dangerous jobs than the average person in America. Approximately 1-6 children ages 5-14 are victims of child labor. Millions in the world work in very hazardous conditions such as mines, chemical plants, and around dangerous machinery.  Most parents are worried when their kids start climbing trees or rough housing on a jungle gym. They couldn't even fathom having their five year-old breathing in harmful chemicals and doing tedious labor for twelve hours. These children are in need, yet they are invisible to most of the world. The majority of people don't care how they got their gold necklace, but if they knew that a child almost died to make it; maybe they'd think twice.

The child slavery all over the world for the most part goes unnoticed, due to the fact that cases aren't publicized.  I find this sad because this means that companies that use children are getting away with child labor without penalties.  Also child labor isn't exactly thought as slavery it's looked upon more as a wrongful crime. People don't think it is as serious of a problem as it really is.  So all in all we all know it is happening yet we don't do anything because no one knows how serious it is.

In conclusion, I don't think child labor is seen as a very serious problem because it is not publicized a lot.  The slavery most people think of is either the sex trade or sweat shops.  However, child labor is just as serious. To sum everything up child labor should be explained to people so the rest of the world knows of this massive world wide problem.  Just think billions of children around the world are victims of child labor. So the next time you buy something made outside of the US, think about the idea that a 5 year old child may have had to suffer in order for you to get that product.  And then if you buy that product you support child labor. 


  1. I agree with you that it's wrong, but we talked about this in class. Most of what they're doing in these countries is legal, and that's why it happens so much. Technically these corporations aren't doing anything wrong.

  2. Technically theyre not doing anything wrong but it IS wrong. The governemt cant say that this is right with a staight face.
