Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Direction the Class Needs

A few of my class get to be a little tedious because of the repeated class structure: Go over homework, lecture, in-class work, and then assign homework. To me this shouldn't be how we learn. Classes should be taught the way we want to be taught. We're the ones learning after all. People learn better if they are taught in a way they can relate.

Everyone learns better a certain way so I think they should be taught based on how they learn best. For example, if a student learns chemistry best with hands on examples like labs, then that student should have more labs in his/her lesson plan. Or if someone learns better with lectures then they have more lectures. All in all for me a class has to intrigue me for me to maintain focus. So therefore the classes I like are classes that have aspects that I enjoy.

American Lit this year hasn't had this problem yet because we have discussions that I can jump into if I have an opinion to put forth. I tend to excel in classes that have aspects that are my learning strengths. So in conclusion, I think that if we are taught the way we learn best we can all make it through high school learning and having fun.

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