Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Trick of Writing

For me the trick to writing is getting my ideas onto paper.  This may sound easy for some but for me its most likely the hardest part.  The ideas that are actually in my mind are sometimes better than when I get them on paper.  So when when I do get these "good" ideas onto paper its like pulling teeth out.  The whole process takes a long time for me so I end up spending a lot of time looking at the screen.  However, over the years I've gotten much better at this and I can get the ideas out much faster than before.

This problem has followed me ever since I have started to writing.  I've never excelled at reading and writing, I've been more of a math and science type of person for as long as I can remember through the years my English teachers have tried to help me improve this.  The most memorable was probably my 6th grade English teacher, although we didn't get along, she really pushed me to improve my skills.  So all in all, the trick is getting ideas on paper.

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