Sunday, February 20, 2011

Propaganda Today

Propaganda has increasingly become more widespread because of the advances in social media.  When ever I think of propaganda I immediately think of mudslinging advertisements for political power.  Every election, in Chicago at least, there are always those ads that put down the other opponents.  The most recent one I've seen is about Rahm Emanuel and his residency issue.  Without knowing whether or not he was living in Chicago ads were being broadcasted talking about, "Do you want a mayor that lies about his residency???"  This was a tactic that was used against him just to make the opposition stand out better.  These "rumors" whether they be true or not fuel ideas into the public to influence their choices.  It is just like brainwashing in a sense.  It uses controversial questions to influence the general public one way or another.

In the past propaganda was most commonly used during times of war to "rally the troops."  We don't see this so more.  For the war in Iraq they didn't push the public to fight in the war like they did in World War II.  Although there were no Uncle Sam posters the media made a case of why you should.  They riled up the public by instilling anger over 9/11.  However, politics still make the biggest market for propaganda.  For as long as there is voting propaganda will exist.  Also it will never completely go away.  It is a seed that is planted and when the public need something to turn to and blame, the seed will continue to grow.  For a last example, Obama's residency was once a huge controversy.  Was he born in another country?  How can he be president?  These ideas that were planted after the inauguration maybe a wall that the public can lean back on when things start to go south.  When things go down, it is human nature to turn around and blame someone or something else. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beat Street

Beat Street.... What a movie.  This movie is very interesting because it shows a unique perspective of life in New York.  It hides all the glam of the city and portrays the "darker" side of the city, the Bronx.  It shows how kids grew up in the city and learned the way of the streets.  Although it is an 80's movie it is very interesting because it shows how as a kid you could make it out of the backsides of New York.  Beat Street also just goes to show there is talent no matter where you come from.  Weirdly this movie makes me think of 8 mile.  This is a long shot but, they are similar in the respect that they show how people grow with a talent they are given.  One of the main characters Double K is a DJ that is mixing sounds on very basic equipment where as others are making comparable mixes on way more advanced equipment.  It shows that talent is found with in a person and nothing else matters.  Beat Street is a rare point of view that is shown and it is very heart warming because it proves that their are people that work hard for what they want and it pays off for them.  In this world to many people are where they are at because of what someone else did for them.  Unlike that Beat Street portrays kids that worked to become a somebody.

Hungry For Attention

Everyone is in need of some type of attention.  The ways people get attention obviously vary depending on the person.  Richard did light his house on fire, but it wasn't intended to hurt anyone.  When you are a young kid all you want is attention.  For example,  when my younger sister was born I wouldn't even look at my mom because my sister was getting all her attention.  As people we thrive off attention. First place in a competition would be pointless if the winners didn't get recognition.  I remember as a kid I was always trying to impress someone, rather it be myself, my parents, teacher, or anyone that cared.  So to get back to Richard, he is not alone in his hunger for attention.  Attention is almost secondhand nature to most people.  This is unfortunate in a way though because with attention comes people that only do things when they get attention.  This is sad because then the people that are "behind the scenes" go unnoticed.  So for all of us that are attention cravers we must remember all those who aren't like us and do things that go unnoticed.  Richard isn't one to stay out of the lime light so he needs that constant attention to maintain his lifestyle.  Richard is not alone in his hunger for attention it is human nature to want to be noticed and only we can control our need for it.