Thursday, December 16, 2010

Music Review

For this music review I'm digging up an old song.  Old Man by Neil Young is a great song that compares generations.  I feel that a big clash between people always comes down to generation vs. generation.  Ever since there has been different generations clashes have occurred.  Fathers always trying to be better than their sons, or even people in the business world look down upon younger generations for their lack of experience and vice versa. I think what people fail to see is that even though our age may be different, they are more similar than different.  This song sums this up a little bit.

As I'm writing this blog I'm watching American Chopper: Sr. vs.Jr.  For those that don't know what this show is, here is a short summary: American Chopper: Sr. vs. Jr. is a show that follows both Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. after they split from OOC.  Paul Sr. sued his son Paul Jr. and since then they haven't talked and their relationship has dwindled so bad that Paul Sr. didn't even go to his son's wedding.  What they won't except is that they are so much a like, they can't work equally.  As soon as they accept their like personalities the sooner they will be able to reestablish a relationship.

Back to reviewing, this is a song that the lyrics speak louder than the music.  Neil Young is an amazing song writer that has power within his lyrics.  Even though the song is a very simple one, it still has a lot of meaning.  Neil Young's lyrics captivate the listener and leave it open ended to interpretation.  Although it maybe a story, it can mean as much as you desire.

YouTube - Neil Young - Old Man - Live at Massey Hall

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay and Nick

These two characters, Jay and Nick, have become quite good friends since their first acquaintance.  Nick hadn't known Gatsby but from what he had heard so when he actually met Gatsby, I think he was in a way surprised.  They agree on many things and they have the same views for a lot of things.  Although they just met their relationship is developing fast based on what they share in common.  Before they knew each other they thought way different. For example, Nick thought (Based on Jordan's rumor) that Gatsby was this menacing German spy.  To say the least their friendship hit the ground running.

Jay took initiative and invited his neighbor, Nick, over to one of his extravagant parties.  Nick shows up and finds Ms. Baker.  Nick ventures to the library and finds that the books are real which gets his hopes up that Gatsby could be a real man to admire.  However, he realizes they are uncut, but to him just the thought of having actual books is more than enough.  When they finally meet, they know they will become great friends. 

When Jay introduces himself to Nick, Nick doesn't even know its Gatsby himself.  He makes the mistake and soon Jay corrects him by saying he is Gatsby.  As they start to talk they realize they have many things in common, and that they are essentially the same person.  At the second party Nick attends the two converse a little more deeply and start to talk about the war.  Unintentionally, Jay clears up the rumor by telling the real story of how he took a machine gun regiment up to the front lines and took out the whole line of German soldiers before the Infantry could reach him.  Nick admires many of Gatsby's qualities.  Soon enough the two are hanging out around New York in Gatsby's hydroplane as if they had known each other for ever. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Winter Poem

Snow is white and clean

Snow is pure like gold and gods

Snow should always fall

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Trick of Writing

For me the trick to writing is getting my ideas onto paper.  This may sound easy for some but for me its most likely the hardest part.  The ideas that are actually in my mind are sometimes better than when I get them on paper.  So when when I do get these "good" ideas onto paper its like pulling teeth out.  The whole process takes a long time for me so I end up spending a lot of time looking at the screen.  However, over the years I've gotten much better at this and I can get the ideas out much faster than before.

This problem has followed me ever since I have started to writing.  I've never excelled at reading and writing, I've been more of a math and science type of person for as long as I can remember through the years my English teachers have tried to help me improve this.  The most memorable was probably my 6th grade English teacher, although we didn't get along, she really pushed me to improve my skills.  So all in all, the trick is getting ideas on paper.